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Iced black tea recipe

In summer will all like to have chilled and refreshing drinks it helps to refresh our mind and body. Iced black tea is also one of them it's the perfect option for Summers to get refreshed.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 1


  • Saucepan


  • Black tea (orthodox/CTC)
  • Water
  • Honey( we are making a healthy version of Iced Black tea so we are using honey)


  • 1st step is, as usual, we start with boiling water, when it starts to boil turn off the flame.
  • Add tea leaves we need strong liquor so make sure a add a good amount of tea leaves to get strength in your liquor.
  • Steep it for 5 minutes then sieve it.
  • Add chilled water and ice cubes with honey and iced black tea is ready.
Keyword iced black tea recipe