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Nice to meet you,

I am Noor, a tea positive and the creator of this tea blog called I am from Assam, India.

Being from Assam, I got a great chance to know about tea closely. 

From my childhood, I was surrounded by tea which make me more curious.

So, After completing my graduation. I decided to pursue my studies in tea science to know deeply about the subject and become a certified tea specialist.

And now through, I want to tell the world the story of tea.

Aim of tea moreish?

We aim to tell the world the story of tea. How a Chinese-originated drink blows the mind of the world. How the unforgettable taste of tea made an indelible place in our hearts and tea became the second largest drinking beverage in this world.

Why do I decide to start a tea blog?

In 21st century, everyone is connected with the internet. Everyone can easily access it without any worries. Then what could be more easy way than creating a blog by using the internet to reach more people?

So, this is the reason I choose to create this blog to share my thoughts with the world.